
Surviving + Thriving: 5 Stories & Strategies for Life’s Big Changes

They say the only thing that stays the same is that everything changes. Kids grow up. Jobs come and go. No matter how well we take care of our bodies, health concerns can still come out of nowhere. You name it, good or bad, exciting or terrifying, change can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be chaotic. We don’t talk to a lot of people who love change. Sure, some life transitions are easier to navigate than others, but oftentimes even the best of adjustments are complicated, and we find that we have trouble coping.


This can be considered an adjustment disorder. Adjustment disorders are often called situational depression because the depression is circumstantial and is driven by events outside oneself. These outside events influence our stress level and once we adjust to them, our mood improves. Whether you’ve been officially diagnosed with an adjustment disorder or you’re just having a tough time coping with a recent change, keep reading to read about five people who implemented five different strategies for navigating change and came out even stronger on the other side.

Reflect on Past Transitions

Emily was facing a huge career change, moving from a stable job in marketing to starting her own business. This was so exciting for so many reasons, but also incredibly scary. She was finally in a position to make her dreams come true – no more micromanaging bosses, no more having to worry about submitting for paid time off. But she also had to rely on herself for a paycheck, and was giving up health insurance, and her company matching 401k. She felt overwhelmed and uncertain about the future.


To navigate these conflicting feelings, her therapist suggested this strategy. 


Take a moment to consider how you’ve navigated transitions before. Reflecting on past experiences can provide valuable insights and strategies for approaching current transitions with confidence.


Of course, this is all easier said than done. But after a bit of introspection, Emily remembered her move to a new city years ago, where she successfully built a new social network and adjusted to a different lifestyle. Reflecting on that experience, Emily realized that her resilience, adaptability, and proactive nature helped her back then. This gave her confidence that she could apply the same strengths to creating her new dream.

Set Realistic Expectations

John was preparing to become a father for the first time. He envisioned a perfect scenario where everything went smoothly. In this vision he had built up, his wife’s delivery went exactly as they’d written in their birth plan, with no deviations whatsoever. Baby slept through the night from day one. Mom had no problems nursing. Everything was exactly as he planned in his head, but he still felt anxious as the days neared meeting his new bundle of joy.

Here’s how his therapist encouraged him to set realistic expectations.


Recognize that transitions, even exciting ones, can be challenging and may not always go as planned. Set realistic expectations for yourself and others involved, allowing room for unexpected twists and turns along the way.


John recognized that while he could prepare for many aspects of parenthood, unexpected challenges were inevitable. By setting realistic expectations, he allowed himself to embrace the imperfections and unpredictable moments of this new life. This mindset shift reduced his anxiety, enabling him to enjoy the journey of becoming a father with more patience and understanding.

Prioritize Self-Care

Lila was in the process of moving to a new country for a study abroad program. Between all the packing, medical checkups, paperwork, and goodbyes, she felt stressed and exhausted. How was she supposed to survive in a new place, with a new language, and a whole new culture when she could barely survive the process of getting ready to leave?

Her therapist reminded her to prioritize self-care during this transitional period.

practice self care.

During times of change, it’s essential to prioritize self-care to maintain your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Make time for activities that recharge and rejuvenate you, whether it’s practicing mindfulness, exercising, or spending time with loved ones.

Lila began setting aside time each day for activities that recharged her, such as yoga, reading her favorite books, and video calls with friends and family. By prioritizing self-care, she maintained her physical and emotional well-being, which helped her handle the complexities of her move with greater ease. When the day finally came for her to step on that plane, she felt so much lighter and slept like a baby most of the way to her destination.

Stay Organized and Proactive

Carlos was approaching retirement after working for 35 years in a career that he loved. The thought of transitioning to a life without the daily routine of work felt daunting. Sure, he would be happy for the first few weeks, but after that, he knew he would get bored. Every day, Monday through Friday, and let’s be real a lot of Saturdays, for the past 35 years, he’d woken up at 6 am, made his coffee, ate breakfast, got ready, drove to work, and did a job. Now, what was he going to do?


His therapist advised him to break down the transition into smaller, manageable tasks.


Break down larger transitions into smaller, manageable tasks and create a plan to tackle them systemically. Staying organized and proactive can help reduce feelings of overwhelm and ensure a smoother transition process.


Carlos created a detailed plan, outlining steps such as exploring hobbies and volunteer opportunities and planning how to stay socially active. By staying organized and proactive, he reduced his feelings of overwhelm. As he checked off each task, his confidence grew. Carlos discovered new passions and built a fulfilling retirement lifestyle that excited him, turning what initially seemed like a scary change into a new and rewarding chapter of his life.

Cultivate Resilience

Mia was going through a difficult breakup. The emotional upheaval made it hard for her to see a way forward. She had been with her partner for 10+ years and didn’t know what life looked like as a single person.


Her therapist encouraged her by reminding her that she was still capable of cultivating resilience.


Understand that breakups often come with uncertainties and challenges. Cultivate resilience by focusing on your strengths, maintaining a positive outlook, and seeking support when needed.


Mia started journaling daily, noting down her accomplishments and moments of joy. She also sought support from friends and joined a support group. Gradually, Mia began to see her own resilience and strength. Despite the pain of the breakup, she found herself growing and learning, ready to embrace new beginnings.

Muv Counseling Therapists Scottsdale

You Don't have to Go It Alone

Hopefully, these stories help illustrate how reflecting on past experiences, setting realistic expectations, prioritizing self-care, staying organized, and cultivating resilience can make life transitions, good or bad, a little easier to navigate.


Give us a follow on social for more tips on handling big changes and if you ever need extra help, we’re here in Scottsdale for in-person therapy. Our therapists are also licensed for online counseling in Arizona, Tennessee, Oregon, and Washington.


Selena Soni, LCSW Scottsdale therapist for anxiety, depression, stress and life transitions.
Selena Soni, LCSW is the founder and lead therapist at MUV Counseling. She specializes in helping clients overcome loss of self, anxiety, depression, and life transitions.

Selena has 15+ years experience in the mental health field. She received her Bachelors Degree from Portland State University (1999) and a Masters Degree in Social Work from Arizona State University (2005). Learn more about Selena here.

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