

Therapy for Depression 

Depression is more than just feeling sad. It can affect anyone and it’s both easy and lonely to put on a mask to pretend it’s all OK. We offer treatment for depression across a wide spectrum, from major depressive disorder therapies to the occasional episodes of seasonal affective disorder. There is hope.

What is Depression?

Depression has been described to me as feeling like you have no shine, a feeling that you’re sinking, as overwhelming or prolonged sadness, and as a loss of energy that touches all parts of life.

Clinically, Depression is characterized as a common mood disorder, and depression can be anything from mild and situational to a severe psychological issue.

Depression is a serious but common mental health condition, affecting one out of every ten adults in the United States.

In some cases, depression can lead people to negative thoughts and, when severe, thoughts of suicide. 

With both physical and emotional symptoms, depression can affect one’s thinking patterns and physical health.

Are You Depressed? Take This Quiz & See if Therapy May Help.

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Symptoms of Depression

Here we go… but before you read the list of depression symptoms remember that this isn’t every feeling you might have if you’re depressed. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) you only need five of these symptoms to be present for more than 2 weeks to be diagnosed with depression.  

  • Loss of energy
  • Sleeping too much 
  • Shame and/or guilt
  • Over eating or not eating enough
  • Worthlessness and/or helplessness
  • Weepiness, tearfulness and/or crying
  • Feelings of irritation, agitation or anger 
  • Numbness or feelings of disconnection 
  • Loss of concentration, indecisiveness or inability to focus
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or not wanting to exist (Suicide)
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were previously enjoyable

There are several types of depressive disorders defined by the DSM-5. These diagnoses are based on a spectrum of symptoms from mild major depressive disorder to severe major depression.

There are also specifiers for major depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern (previously known as seasonal affective disorder SAD) or major depression with peripartum onset (often known as postpartum depression).

Often, depression not only affects your mental health, but your physical health as well, resulting in physical manifestations such as headache, body pains, and nausea. 

Methods of Depression Treatment

In therapy, there are a number of different treatment approaches to help you overcome depression. These include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), accelerated resolution therapy (ART), walk + talk therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Being trained in a variety of evidenced-based therapy methods for depression helps you, our client, focus on your individual goals, start where you are, and develop a treatment plan that is truly individualized. Even severe depression can be treated and the prognosis for improvement and recovery is good. 

When to Seek Depression Counseling

It’s a common misconception that depression is just sadness wait and it will go away. The fact is, depression might go away or you might lose precious time waiting for it to go away only to have the symptoms continue or worsen. If you’ve read the symptoms list above and have identified 5 symptoms you’ve experienced for longer than a few weeks, you’ve observed the difficulty you feel in taking on everyday tasks, or you’ve had depression in the past this is the time to take some action.  

When you’re depressed, your energy, focus, and interest is lost. Previously enjoyable activities become immune to fun. And in some cases, feelings of worthlessness are emphasized, and thoughts may even focus on self-harm or suicide due to painful, negative feelings. All these symptoms and experiences are signs it’s time to seek depression counseling.

If you’re still reading this it’s probably time to call. You’ve considered the who, what, when, where, how, and why of your depression. You might have come up with a few answers or maybe none at all, but that hasn’t helped relieve the depression. Know that you’re not alone in this experience and calling for a consultation, emailing an inquiry, or scheduling online is the first step.

Taking Action Towards Beating Depression

We know that depression can feel lonely. It can be scary to take that first step. Depression can make us feel weaker than we are, but it’s not true. You are strong. Beating depression starts with you taking action to get help.

If you’re in the Scottsdale area and are considering in-person depression counseling, then our Oldtown Scottsdale office may be a good option for you. We are also pleased to offer online counseling (teletherapy) for residents of Arizona, Oregon, Tennessee, and Washington state.

MUV therapists (Selena Soni, LCSW, Marguerite Higbee, LMSW), and Angela Boswell, LMSW specialize in treating depression and are honored to help clients get things turned around and headed on a brighter path.

Just know that you can – and will – feel better. So take the first step today!

For more details about our depression therapy options in Scottsdale, call MUV Counseling at 480-300-2635 for a free 15 minute consultation or email us with your questions. If you’re ready to dive right in, schedule online here.

depression counseling scottsdale

Frequently Asked Questions about Depression

Depression causes a range of physical and emotional symptoms. It can severely affect your daily activities, your ability to work, your relationships with others and your self-esteem. It is one of the most common mental health problems, affecting around 300 million people worldwide – including children, adolescents and adults. 

Depression does not only have emotional symptoms like feeling sad or hopeless, but also can have physical symptoms such as insomnia or fatigue. Other common signs of depression are feelings of worthlessness, difficulty concentrating on tasks or making decisions and an inability to take pleasure in things that used to bring you joy. Depression can be caused by life events such as a traumatic experience or a major loss; however it can also be linked to genetic factors and certain medications.

Depression falls into a category mental health professionals call Mood disorders. The category of mood disorders includes major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder.. Major depressive disorder is a condition that causes persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable. Symptoms include difficulty in concentrating, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, fatigue, guilt and low self-esteem. Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating periods of depression (a low mood)  and mania (an elevated mood); symptoms of mania may include elevated mood, talkativeness and feeling invincible.  Overall the symptoms of depression or any mood disorder can make it a struggle to cope with daily life.

All of these depression diagnosis will share symptoms but will be differentiated by precipitant (cause), onset/timing- how soon the symptom started after the cause and duration how long have the symptom been present.   

  • Major Depression (mild, moderate severe)
  • Bereavement (Grief)
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Adjustment D/O
  • Bipolar Disorder

When it comes to treating depression there are a variety of evidenced-based treatments which means the treatment methods have been rigorously evaluated and shown to be effective in clinical trials. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most well known, researched and widely used treatment for depression. This type of therapy helps people with depression by teaching them how to identify and challenge negative thinking patterns, learn effective coping strategies and establish healthier life habits. In addition, research has shown that talking therapies such as interpersonal psychotherapy can also be beneficial for treating depression in certain cases. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps individuals manage their mental health issues. CBT helps people understand and identify negative thoughts, moods, and behaviors that can lead to depression. By understanding the connection between these thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, individuals can learn more effective strategies for managing their symptoms. 

When it comes to treating depression with CBT techniques, therapists often focus on identifying unhelpful patterns of thinking. Through this process of ‘thought reframing’, individuals are encouraged to challenge negative beliefs they may have about themselves and replace them with more adaptive ones. It also involves learning how to take an active role in changing behavior patterns linked to the disorder. This could include setting realistic goals for daily life or changing lifestyle habits such as physical activity or diet.

Depression is a serious mental illness that can have profound effects on an individual’s quality of life. It’s important to take steps to manage depression before it becomes difficult to control and leads to more serious complications. There are many different approaches that people can take in order to help with depression, ranging from lifestyle changes, alternate therapies, and even talking with a mental health professional. 

Making simple lifestyle changes – such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals regularly throughout the day, getting regular exercise, and taking time for yourself – can be incredibly beneficial in managing depressive symptoms. 

  1. Ask yourself, would I say that to a friend and if you wouldn’t- find the word you’d to say them and say them to yourself.
  2. Schedule 1 thing- This could include setting realistic goals for daily life or changing lifestyle habits such as physical activity or diet.
  3. Go outside and observe your environment using all 5 senses.